Client Server Model :
Client/server is a configuration of the computer network that includes a server and one or more clients. the client manages the local resources that are used by the user such as monitor,keyboard,CPU and peripherals. the server is a more powerful system which manages shared resources such as databases,printers,communication links or high powered-processors and handles all the incoming requests for its shared resources
Server is a centralized and dedicated entity which manages data,printers or network traffice depending upon the type of the server.the server must run a server program to share its resources. in a network, one server can be used for multipurpose or you can have multiple servers for a specific application.many programs are built into the operating system (OS) which can be used for the sharing of resources and for other purpose.client is a computer on which user runs applications. clients can also be called as workstations. the network resources are stored on the server and are accessed by the clients. clients cannot access shared resources available on another client. client-server architecture is also known as two-tire architecture.